Richard Davis
Spanking Emily Dickenson
Other Poems by Richard Davis

Love Sonnet?

Some girls despise a flaccid dash -
undisciplined tetrameter -
and images that do not swirl
around each other recklessly -
like a black snake and a mongoose.

My Emily-how she will howl
about a flower and one bee -
the sting she loves-the revelry
she has alone-since she is bad -
bad Emily - with her flower.

I will take her on my knee and sing
softly a lullaby and watch
her wild eyes try to focus
as she secretes around her gums.

So here she comes - already nude -
as pink as she can be - a girl
the midwife says and slaps her butt
so hard we still can hear her roar.

Richard Davis is pursuing a PhD in Literature and Creative Writing at the University of North Texas, in Denton.
All contents copyright The New Journal, 2001.